Safavieh Florida Shag Area Rug

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Safavieh Scrolling Vine Florida Shag Rug

Looking for Perfection

When I was looking for a coastal area rug for our new home it took me a long time to find the perfect one. I wanted a rug that was neutral in color, had some texture to it, was soft to the touch, and durable. We searched several stores and I couldn’t find anything that I liked at all. Some were close to what I had in mind, but not close enough. In desperation, I turned to Amazon.

Safavieh Florida Shag Rug

Buying a Rug Online?

It seemed crazy to buy an area rug online. I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t walk on it. I couldn’t even be sure about the color. But I started looking anyway. It didn’t take long before I came across the Safavieh Florida Shag Collection. We had just moved to Florida so I couldn’t help but wonder if it was a sign. Ha! I narrowed my search to the Scrolling Vine Cream and Beige Graceful Swirl Area rug. I loved the way it looked. There was no question about it. Still, I was hesitant. Anything could look good online, but what about in real life? I read the reviews. Everyone raved about this rug. (Last I looked it had 2706 reviews and a 4+ rating). I took a deep breath and ordered the 9 x 12 for our living room. If I didn’t like it, I could return it. Right?

Safavieh Area Rug
The Safavieh Area Rug in my Living Room

I Love It!

As soon as I rolled the rug out I fell in love. It is beautiful and so soft. I thought about ordering a pad, but it is over a year later and I still don’t have a pad under the rug. Even without the pad, the rug feels nice and thick. I was worried that it might show dirt because it is in an area where one corner will be walked across constantly when we go in and out of our patio doors to the pool. Over a year later, and I see no signs of wear or dirt. This is the best area rug I have ever owned. I loved it so much that I immediately bought a matching round one for my dining room.

Safavieh Area Rug
Round Safavieh Area Rug in my Dining Room

Buddy Loves It!

Buddy the Dog
Buddy Approves!

Buddy is even pickier than I am and he gives the rug four paws up!

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