DIY Faux Fur Christmas Tree Skirt

Make Your Own Faux Fur Christmas Tree Skirt

When I couldn’t find a Christmas Tree Skirt that I liked, I decided to make my own and it only took about two minutes! Here is how you can make your own Christmas Tree Skirt with almost no skill at all. Ha! First, buy a pretty white faux fur rug. I have a pencil tree so I did not want a real wide Christmas Tree Skirt that would stick way out into the room. I bought a 36 inch rug and it worked perfect for me. If you have a traditional fat Christmas tree, I would advise you to buy a 48 inch faux fur rug.
Fold Tree Skirt in Half

Put your rug on any flat surface like a kitchen counter or even the floor. Make sure the edges line up so you are folding the rug exactly in half.
Cut Toward the Fold
Lift the top flap of the rug slightly (so you don’t cut the bottom half by accident!) and cut straight toward the fold, stopping a little before the fold, maybe an inch or so. If you don’t think you can cut a straight line (it doesn’t have to be perfectly straight, just fairly straight), place a straight line on your rug (like a tape measure or yard stick) and cut along it.
Slide Under the Tree

Shake the loose fur from the rug (a Swiffer works well to pick up the loose fur) and slide your rug over the base of your tree with the slit in the back of the tree. You will need to slightly overlap the rug where it is slit to get it to fit onto your tree base.
Admire Your New Christmas Tree Skirt

You just made a beautiful and lush Christmas Tree in less than two minutes! It will take you longer to clean up that loose fur than it did to make the tree skirt! And this beautiful skirt will last you for years! I love the quality of mine and its so much more beautiful than any tree skirt I’ve ever seen. You will love yours too! Be sure to get a nice lush rug so you will get your desired results. I have included two great rugs below that would work very well. The 36 inch rug is the exact one that I bought. Enjoy!